Firearms information

Rifle Recommendations

We recommend a rifle no lighter than a .270. The 30 calibres are ideal including .308, 30.06,  WSM or Magnums and Ultramags.  Shots can vary from a distance of 50 to 1050 yards.  Ensure rifles are sighted in for the ammunition you will be using.  You will be able to have practice shots before your hunt begins.  You are permitted to bring up to 40 rounds of ammunition into New Zealand.

  • Semi-automatics are not permitted in New Zealand.
  • No handguns are permitted in New Zealand.
  • We can supply loan rifles, we do not charge for the use of our rifles however we do charge for our ammunition.

More Information

Gun Permits

If you are planning on bringing in your own firearm(s) you will have to get a permit/visitors license, you should do this one month before your fly date. You may obtain the permit/visitors license by going to the following website and clicking on visitor’s application. The police headquarters have advised that it is best to fill in the application on a desktop computer, once you have submitted the application you will NOT receive any confirmation from the New Zealand police. Your permit/visitors license will be processed in Auckland International Airport at the “Police Desk” opposite the baggage carousel. It is also likely that your checked firearm case will be delivered to the police desk and not placed on the carousel. Present a copy of your filled out firearms application, this will help them to recover your file. They will verify the firearm(s) against the information you sent in your visitor’s application, and provide you with a stamped permit for your travels. This is also where you will pay NZD$25 for the permit/visitors license, you will need to make sure you have New Zealand dollars as they cannot convert your funds and do not take credit cards. This permit is valid for 1 year or until you leave New Zealand.

Archery Equipment

No special import regulations, permits or license applications are needed for archery equipment; you will just need to declare on arrival with New Zealand Customs.

Transportation of Firearms
The following are general guide lines for most airlines that fly to New Zealand. You should notify your airline two weeks prior to your departure date and advices them that firearm and/or ammunition will be checked in on departure and check if there are any special requirements. Also, ask your travel agent to make a note on all your booking or reservation that you will be checking in firearms and/or ammunition. Rules can change at any time
Be aware, all firearms must be unloaded and locked in a hard-sided case and transported as checked baggage only. Some airlines do not permit more than two guns per case. Ammunition must be for sporting purposes. Maximum weight of ammunition cannot exceed 5kgs (11lbs) per person, and must be packed in original containers or lockable wooden, plastic or metal box. Ammunition cannot be in the same case as your rifle. Bolts must be out of rifles and carried separately as well.